
We are very proud of our school uniform and ask parents to support us in encouraging its use.

We ask that children wear:

Black smart school trousers/shorts/skirt, a blue polo shirt and school sweatshirt as shown below:


School uniform can be purchased from:


Initial Images

Rekendyke Industrial Estate, 2D & 2E, Eldon St, South Shields NE33 5BZ


Phone: 0191 455 8128

We ask that parents ensure that their children wear sensible black school shoes and socks/tights in keeping with the school uniform. If boots or wellies are worn in the winter for travelling to school, a change of shoes must be brought into school.

For safety reasons, no jewellery apart from a wristwatch is allowed to be worn in school. Hair colours or extreme hairstyles are not allowed. We ask parents to co-operate with this policy at all times.