Wednesday 7th February 2024
RE: Uniform & Jewellery
Dear Parent/Carer,
Recently, we have noticed an increase in the number of children attending school in inappropriate clothing, footwear and jewellery. As you know, school uniform is an integral part of school life: it promotes a sense of wellbeing and symbolises the pride we have in being part of our school community. As such, we are reaching out to ask for your support with ensuring your child attends school with the appropriate school uniform and correct footwear.
As stipulated in a number of our policies (Behaviour, PE & Home School Agreement), our uniform is as follows:
- Dark coloured trousers (grey, navy or black) and/or skirt, dress, pinafore.
- Pale blue or white polo tshirt.
- Navy blue jumper or cardigan.
- Monkton Academy issued sports top.
Please ensure that if your child chooses to wear a skirt or dress for school, they are of appropriate (knee) length.
Jewellery is not allowed unless based on religious grounds as determined by the DfE. Children can wear earrings but these must be small studs, which can be removed for PE.
Footwear must be black and meet suitable health and safety requirements, trainers are allowed but must also be black in colour.
We hope you are able to provide your support in ensuring your child is suitably dressed for school. Staff may, if necessary, make contact with parents/carers to report consistent breaches of our uniform policy, but are reminded to be sensitive of circumstance and aim not to cause any child embarrassment.
Your support is much appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Miss V. Sheriff
Assistant Principal