Year 5 have been getting messy looing at the effect of gravity on objects of different mass. It was a great excuse to get outside and messy while keeping the learning memorable.
Year 5 have been getting messy looing at the effect of gravity on objects of different mass. It was a great excuse to get outside and messy while keeping the learning memorable.
Today, Year 5 visited Mortimer for a sneak peek at what Science awaits them when they finally enter Year 7!
They spent the morning doing a range of activities and they particularly enjoyed making flames using Bunsen Burners and investigating the different colours they could make by burning different chemicals. They also enjoyed learning about dry ice and watched some really fun examples of how it works and its properties!
Today we investigated force by dropping balls of different sizes and weights from the same height into a tray filled with flour. We then measured the crater sizes to see what effect the size and mass of the ball had on the crater that was formed. We found that the bigger the ball, or the faster it was moving, the bigger the resulting crater would be. This is because larger, faster-moving balls have more gravitational force than smaller, slower-moving balls.